Law 4 Small Business makes it easy to register both logo and your mark.

L4SB’s licensed and experienced trademark attorneys will register two trademarks for you: The name and logo of your mark.

Register Your Logo & Your Mark

Let the experts register your intellectual work.

Starting at $298 + filing fees

Get Started Now
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What Elements of a Trademark Should be Trademarked?

If you want to prevent others from using any specific element of your trademark, then it’s critical that you register those specific elements of your trademark that you want protection. If you don’t care, and only want to prevent someone from using the entire thing, then registering the entire thing is appropriate.

Unfortunately the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) charges for each trademark registration, and registering each element separately represents a separate trademark registration and cost. With this in mind, your best course of action would be to reach out to L4SB today, so that you can speak with an attorney a mitigate the excess time and money that these applications can often cost.

The Law 4 Small Business Difference


We take client satisfaction seriously. We are not in the business of up-selling or pushing services that won’t help you. We work as your partner to get the job you expect done.


L4SB is your long-term partner to help you and your business with the inevitable ups-and-downs, and everything in between.


We’re business lawyers, and we understand many small- and medium-sized businesses struggle just to meet payroll, let alone pay for legal services. That’s why we offer a range of flat-rate services, and reasonable hourly rates for everything else.


With over 200 years of combined business law experience, you can count on getting sound advice and solid representation.

Register Your Logo & Your Mark

Let the experts register your intellectual work.

Starting at $298 + filing fees

Get Started Now