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Important Clauses for LLC Operating Agreements

Important Clauses for LLC Operating Agreements

The Operating Agreement acts like a “partnership agreement” between the owners of a LLC. Important clauses for LLC Operating Agreements are critical, and a well-written and customized Operating Agreement for...

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Banking and the Small Business Owner

The Corporate Veil:  Don’t pierce it! “Piercing the Corporate Veil” refers to the situation when a court puts aside the protections that are normally associated with an incorporation.  The very...

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How to Form an LLC in New Mexico

Listed below is a step-by-step checklist for how to form a New Mexico limited liability company (LLC). These steps will be very similar from state to state. However, depending on...


Tips for successfully joining a partnership

In a previous blog post, I talked about how Not Incorporating is Risky Business, which was directed at the sole proprietor and why they should consider incorporating their business. Suppose,...