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Today Only For Everyone! 25% Off!

We Want to Thank You For Being Our Client! Please Accept 25% off your next purchase!   Enter Code: “ThankYouBiz24” at Check Out.  Law 4 Small Business (L4SB). A Slingshot company. A little...

Law 4 All Summer Sale 2023 Blog 1

Law 4 All Annual Summer Sales Event

Now is the time to save on all the legal products and services your company needs. Our Law 4 All Summer Sales Event is happening now! Save 20% on legal...

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The Benefits of Business-Specific Contracts

Having a contract that is tailored to your business’s needs is essential. While it may be tempting to download a generic contract off of the internet, these contracts are not...

ball point pen closeup blog

10 Essential Items for a Template Contract

When running a business or entering into any kind of agreement with clients, it’s important to have a template contract that can be used as the basis for all negotiations,...