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patents 101 overview

Patents 101

L4SB explains the types of patents and how they can be utilized!

my website domain name 1

Who Owns your Domain Name?

A domain name can be critical to branding your business. But do you know who owns your businesses domain name?

mh photo

Our Chicago Business Lawyer

New Offices Earlier this week, we here at Law 4 Small Business, PC, proudly announced the opening of two new branches. Announcing our new offices in Florida and Illinois! Because...

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Coming Soon to a City Near You!

Law 4 Small Business is thrilled to announce the grand opening of two new offices in Chicago, IL and Tampa, FL! Do you need a Chicago Business Lawyer?

veteran thank you

Military Discount on Business Law

Discounted Legal Services for US Military and Veterans Veteran owned businesses “employ almost 6 million Americans and generate more than $1 trillion in receipts.” Did you know that according to...