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We Want to Thank You For Being Our Client! Please Accept 25% off your next purchase! Enter Code: “ThankYouBiz24” at Check Out. Law 4 Small Business (L4SB). A Slingshot company. A little...
We Want to Thank You For Being Our Client! Please Accept 25% off your next purchase! Enter Code: “ThankYouBiz24” at Check Out. Law 4 Small Business (L4SB). A Slingshot company. A little...
When running a business, ownership changes are inevitable as things change over time. Be it retirement, a new opportunity or otherwise, ownership change will confront a business at some point....
In this new era of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, we’re starting to see its impact. AI-powered tools that are transforming numerous professions, including the legal industry. One such...
For approximately one week in early 2023, from January 28th when the Chinese Spy Balloon was first observed over the State of Alaska, to February 4th when the Chinese Spy...
Having a contract that is tailored to your business’s needs is essential. While it may be tempting to download a generic contract off of the internet, these contracts are not...
What is an Operating Agreement? An Operating Agreement is a legal document that outlines the operating procedures of a limited liability company (or LLC). This document is a legal requirement...
When running a business or entering into any kind of agreement with clients, it’s important to have a template contract that can be used as the basis for all negotiations,...
So, you’re starting a business. You’ve formed your business entity and made sure you have your trademarks, patents, copyrights, and/or trade secrets in order, and now you need to get...
If you’ve ever been an employee — or an employer — then you’ve probably run across a non-compete provision. Formally titled an “Agreement Not to Compete”, these agreements are meant...
Easy and effective ways to make sure your business is paid what it is owed. Need some help collecting on a debt? Reach out to L4SB today for a consultation. We...
“Just sign here.” The three little words that can get you in big trouble if you do not fully understand what it is you are signing. Whether it is a...
Attorney Ian Alden hosts this important workshop that teaches owners about the essential framework every business needs. Learn how to foster good working relationships with your co-owners in good times...