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protected adult

Doing Business with the Elderly

Nothing stirs the passions of a compassionate adult, quite like the thought of abuse to individuals who are unable to protect themselves, such as children, persons with intellectual disabilities, and...


Do You Have a Line of Credit (LOC) Yet??!?

It’s an unfortunate truism in today’s society: Those who don’t need have plenty, and those who do need have little. A clear example of this truism comes in the form...


LegalZoom or LegalDoom?

It’s true. We are competing with LegalZoom. Seems almost outlandish that a law firm, with actual licensed, practicing attorneys possessing over 20+ years of experience each, would be competing with...

free legal help1

FREE Advice from a Lawyer – April 19!

Saturday, April 19, from 9am to 12pm We’re proud to announce our second event, this coming April 19th, 2014, at our office from 9am to 12pm. Our first event was...

bit coin

Lawyers Now Accepting Bitcoin for Payment

Law 4 Small Business (L4SB) Now Accepts Bitcoin for Payments FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 24 April 2013 – Albuquerque, NM L4SB, a leading high-tech law firm focusing on the needs of...

2012 new year

Top 10 Goals before the 2012 New Year

In a few short months, (almost) everyone on Planet Earth will share something in common: Everyone will say good bye to 2011 and ring in the 2012 New Year. For...