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Join Our Reciprocal Referral Network

We receive leads from states we aren’t licensed, and we are looking for business attorneys and small law firms to send those leads. No rev-share. No fee splitting.

L4SB sells low-cost, flat-rate services in competition with LegalZoom and other unlicensed legal providers. Because of that, we receive calls from business leaders in states we are not licensed to practice law, but who need licensed attorneys nonetheless. We are seeking attorneys in other states to send these leads. No rev-share. No fee splitting. All clients sent to you are your clients, not ours.

Competing in Today’s Internet Society

If you’re like us, you are acutely aware of the damage wrought by online providers of “legal services,” such as LegalZoom, RocketLawyer and other related companies. Unencumbered by the professional rules of conduct, they amass huge war chests through VC funding to out spend us attorneys and compete in all states. Their hollow message drowns out ours. In return, they deliver documents and services to clients that would result in disbarment if delivered by an attorney: Trademark filings without considerations for class codes or likelihood of confusion analysis, contracts that are just plain wrong, corporate filings that aren’t properly handled or matched to a client’s particular needs. The list goes on.

These companies, however, are doing a few things right. They are bringing “legal services” (such as they are) to the masses. They are rapidly filling a niche that we attorneys seem to have abdicated. They are providing flat rate and fixed fee services to business leaders and entrepreneurs who would otherwise go without such services.

Law 4 Small Business is attempting to compete effectively with the LegalZoom’s of the world, and in turn, raise the bar for competent legal assistance to those most in need.

Who is Law 4 Small Business (L4SB)?

We are a quickly growing firm located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with approximately twelve attorneys, several executives, paralegals and support staff. Our attorneys are licensed to practice law in AZ, IL, NM and TX. The L4SB website is designed to compete head-on with LegalZoom and others, and is responsible for 90% of our business. L4SB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Slingshot, LLC.

L4SB specializes in all small business matters, including formations, contracts, intellectual property and dispute resolution (including some litigation). We want to be the “Chevy,” not the “Cadillac,” in legal services for small business. We don’t ask for retainer fees (except in rare circumstances). We provide a wide-range of flat-rate services, mostly designed as loss-leaders to feed into more lucrative hourly-based services. We provide a FREE 15-minute walk-in consult.

Join the Reciprocal Referral Network, Get More Clients

We want more pins on the map where we can send warm, qualified leads to properly licensed attorneys in local jurisdictions. We want our brand to be nationwide, so that it can compete effectively with the Internet “legal services” companies and provides competent legal services on a local level and basis.

L4SB Locations

This is new and evolving, therefore we seek entrepreneurial-minded attorneys and law firms, that (or who) have a local presence in their jurisdiction, and who are willing to try this experiment and grow with us.

You must have your own local office, and you must have an existing practice in small business law that has room to grow. On the Internet, brand is everything. To succeed, we need to grow the brand into further local jurisdictions. Our demographic doesn’t care about the names of specific attorneys, only that their needs will be competently handled.

We’re not asking you to abandon your brand or your firm name, only to join the reciprocal referral network. To summarize, we are:

  • Marketing our brand nationwide, including in your jurisdiction.
  • Leveraging local offices as our local presence and you and/or your firm as local attorneys in the reciprocal network.
  • Mentioning you and your firm in a special area on our website, devoted to your local jurisdiction.
  • Mutually referring leads, and rating each other (and others within the network) in “peer review” websites, such as, and others.
  • Seek your advice to help ensure we don’t run afoul of your jurisdiction’s professional rules of conduct.

In short, the reciprocal network is about leveraging the L4SB brand in local markets, so L4SB can sell low-cost services, and send warm, qualified leads to other attorneys in the reciprocal network.

Our Offer To Reciprocal Network Participants

In return for joining the network, we propose the following:

  • We send warm-leads of local clients.
  • An exclusive geographic range in your jurisdiction.
  • Online sales are ours, offline clients and local clients in your jurisdiction are yours. No rev-share or fee-splits.
  • We will issue regular press releases (highlighting your firm), with your permission and approval.
  • We cross-link and cross-refer to each other.
  • Other members of the network will rate and review you and your firm.

Note that the above applies ONLY to the clients and work obtained through our brand, website and marketing efforts. We are NOT asking to take over your brand, your phone or your existing sales and marketing processes. Our efforts would augment your existing efforts, not replace them.

Requirements to Join the Reciprocal Network

We are looking for solo-practitioners and small law firms, who have an emphasis in serving small businesses. Further:

  • You have your own business office, not home office, where members of the public can appear unannounced
  • You permit us to claim to have a unique suite within your office, and you forward mail received to that address
  • We require at least 5 years of legal experience
  • You have your own malpractice insurance
  • If you or your firm is rated by the BBB, a rating of A- or better
  • You return the calls or emails of leads within twenty-four (24) hours
  • Your schedule permits you to be available and provide services within two (2) business days

Call Us Now

The business of the practice of law isn’t easy. Especially for solo-practitioners and small practices, and especially those lawyers and law-firms serving startups, small businesses and entrepreneurs. Further, we have unfair competition arising from these Internet “legal-services” companies, with war chests of VC funds and no constraints from the professional rules of conduct.

This changing landscape of legal services requires a new approach, and our clients demand that we don’t abdicate our role to the new upstart Internet companies. We’re trying … within the confines of the professional rules of conduct and within the economic restrictions void of VC funding.

Please send us your feedback, concerns and comments. If our proposal above won’t work for you or your practice, let us know what will and we will consider it. Help mold us and grow with us.