Asset Protection is Important to You
Protect Yourself With a LLC
Form your limited liability company (LLC)
efficiently and correctly.
Pricing starts at $0 + state filing fees
You want to start a business, but you also want to keep your personal assets safe.
Choose Your State
We offer Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) formation services for all 50 States. From California to New York and every State in between, our attorneys will file the correct documents with your state.
Short Questionnaire
Our LLC questionnaire is designed to be as easy as possible because we know you have better things to do than worry about forms. L4SB attorneys do the hard part of preparing mistake free LLC paperwork.
Competent Service
With experienced lawyers on your side, you have peace of mind that your LLC will be formed correctly with your state of choice. You can also count on having your LLC questions answered.
Forming Your Business is Easy:
We Include Everything You Need
- File documents & register with the state
- Basic operating agreement
- Name availability check
- 15 min. Q & A with LLC Attorney
- “Starting Your Business” E-Book
Extra Service? We’ve Got You Covered
- Expedited/Rush Services
- Federal Employer Tax Identification (FEIN) Acquisition
- Company Name Risk Assessment
- Registered Agent
We Guarantee To Do It Right!
“L4SB has been a great asset in starting up my own small business. No retainer, no hassles, quick turn around. One less thing for me to worry about so I can focus and grow what I do best.”
The L4SB Difference
We take client satisfaction seriously. We are not in the business of up-selling or pushing services that won’t help you. We work as your partner to get the job you expect done.
L4SB is your long-term partner to help you and your business with the inevitable ups-and-downs, and everything in between.
We’re business lawyers, and we understand many small- and medium-sized businesses struggle just to meet payroll, let alone pay for legal services. That’s why we offer a range of flat-rate services, and reasonable hourly rates for everything else.
With over 200 years of combined business law experience, you can count on getting sound advice and solid representation.