While it is possible to have an anonymous company, the truth of the matter is that company must be a limited liability company (or LLC). It cannot be a corporation.
The reason for this, is that to register a corporation, we have to disclose directors and officers of the corporation. Unless you have a very large corporation, where the shareholders are not the directors or officers, then it’s not possible to form a corporation without disclosing this information to the state and therefore destroying anonymity.
With that said, it should be noted that this question is often associated with a request to form an anonymous “S-Corporation” or “C-Corporation,” with the intention of receiving S-Corp or C-Corp tax treatment.
Please see our knowledge-base article, entitled Do I have to file income taxes if I have a pass-through entity? In short, a LLC can be taxed in many different ways, including under Subchapter S or Subchapter C.
Therefore, it’s possible to have a company treated for tax purposes as a S-Corporation or C-Corporation, but it’s not a corporation. It’s an Anonymous LLC that can be taxed as you prefer.
Need Help Picking the Company to Form?
We’re proud to announce the world’s first (so we think) AI-based entity selector tool. It is in BETA (still a PROOF-OF-CONCEPT), but factors in the state (or states) where you conduct business, whether you want anonymity, tax issues (including the Trump Tax Reform Act of 2017) and much more. It only takes a few minutes.