Attorney and L4SB Founder, Larry Donahue expands on his popular blog in a new virtual workshop.
Changing times have created an atmosphere for invention. Whether you are an engineer, scientist, artist, developer, financial whiz or just someone with a useful asset, odds are that at some point, you may be asked to join, help, or participate in a startup company. If so, and you are wondering what options are available to participate, this workshop is for you! Participation options range from contributing or providing cash, services, leads, knowhow, intellectual property, or some other assets. Regardless of the type of contribution you make, before you sign up for what could be a wildly successful or disappointing venture, you need to make sure you understand some important legal issues.
Watch the workshop now!
Law 4 Small Business, P.C. (L4SB). A little law now can save a lot later. A Slingshot company.